Church Encourager

Our hope at Church Encourager is to provide practical support to help pastors, churches and lay leaders have greater confidence, enthusiasm and strength in their lives and walk with God. Use the button below to set up a free Zoom meeting with Church Encourager.

Church Encourager

Hello! I’m Steve Lawes

Our desire at Church Encourager is pretty well summed up in our name. We want to encourage the church.

For Believers

We have a wide full range of Bible Studies,  Spiritual Growth and Discipleship Tools.

For Churches

Utilizing a process we call “Virtual Church Consulting” we work with you through a series of steps to help pinpoint problems and offer solutions.

For Pastors

The weight of ministry can be overwhelming. You don’t have to carry it alone. There are times when pastors need to have someone come alongside them on their ministry journey.

My Qualifications and Certifications

  • AA General Studies (FKCC)
  • BA Bible/Theology (Berean)
  • MA Pastoral Ministries (ACTS)
  • MDiv Ministry (JMBIS)
  • PhD Pastoral Ministry (ACTS)
  • Lead Pastor 30+ Years
  • County & State Prison Chaplain
  • Mission Team Leader 10 Years
  • AVC Area Leader 10+ Years
  • Bible Institute Founder (JMBIS)
  • Certified Church Consultant
  • NCD America Coach
  • Certified Church Revitalization
  • Coaching for Clergy
  • Chirstian DISC Facilitator

Books & Publications

Establishing a daily life of prayer and meditation on the Word of God are vital to the life and health of every believer.  My devotional books help to incorporate proven Spiritual disciplines into your daily life.

Discipleship Training

Daily Psalt Intake

From the beginning, the church has used the Book fof Psalms (Psalter) as the center of its daily practice.

Discipleship Training

Daily Sage Intake

The Proverbs help to develop the way that we live our life “in Christ” in a fallen world on a broken planet.

Discipleship Training

Daily Strength Training

Have you prayed today? That is a question of four simple words that can help us to become a people of prayer.

"You’ll get a lot out of connecting with him!"

Steve and his team at Keys Vineyard Church have built a church that has done an inspiring job reaching their community. Steve is a treasure trove of experience and has continued to prioritize learning and growth throughout his more than 30 years of ministry in a way few pastors have. You’ll get a lot out of connecting with him!

Putty Putman Phd – Pastor, Author (Live Like Jesus, Kingdom Impact), and Founder of the School of Kingdom Ministry.


"a valuable coach/ mentor."

Steve Lawes is a valuable coach/ mentor.  I’ve watched Steve over the last thirty years build a substantial outward focused church with disciples who do what Jesus did. He has inspired leaders of churches with simple/tested ideas to develop leaders and grow churches.

Bob Fulton – Pastor, Founder of Pass it On Ministry, Former International Director of Association of Vineyard Churches.


"authentic, creative, and personable."

Steve Lawes is an outstanding coach. He is authentic, creative, and personable. He has more cutting edge ideas than any pastor I know in regard to evangelism and meeting the needs of people in his community.

Happy Leman – Founding pastor at Vineyard Church of Champaign-Urbana IL

"a powerful voice of experience and wisdom"

I watched first hand as Steve experienced the devastation of hurricane Irma in his town of Big Pine Key, Florida. The town was destroyed, the church building rendered unusable and the staff impacted personally. I watched a leader rise to the need of his community and minister in a situation that not very many could. He has a powerful voice of experience and wisdom earned the hard way.

David Speicher PhD, DMin. Author of “Not Many Days From Now” Lead pastor of South Bay Church, Tampa , Fl.


Recent Church Encourager Posts

Kingdom Foreshadowed Part 13 with Discussion Guide

Kingdom Foreshadowed Part 13 Discussion Guide


In today’s sermon, we explored the significance of the priestly blessing from Numbers 6 and its connection to God’s desire to dwell with His people. We also delved into the importance of seeking God’s wisdom in our daily lives, as illustrated by the Israelites’ need to consult Moses when they were ceremonially unclean during Passover. Finally, we examined the story of the bronze serpent in Numbers 21 and its foreshadowing of Jesus’ crucifixion, highlighting the necessity of looking to Jesus for salvation and eternal life.

Intro Prayer

Heavenly Father, we thank You for bringing us together today to delve into Your Word. Open our hearts and minds to receive the wisdom and guidance You have for us. Help us to understand the depth of Your love and the significance of Your presence in our lives. May we be attentive to Your voice and seek Your direction in all that we do. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Ice Breaker

What is your favorite fruit and why?

Key Verses

  1. Numbers 6:24-26
  2. Numbers 9:1-5
  3. Numbers 21:4-9
  4. John 3:14-15
  5. 2 Corinthians 5:21


  1. What stood out to you the most from today’s sermon?
  2. How does the priestly blessing in Numbers 6 resonate with you personally?
  3. Why do you think it was important for the Israelites to celebrate Passover, even if they were ceremonially unclean?
  4. Have you ever experienced a situation where you needed to seek God’s wisdom for a decision? How did you go about it?
  5. What do you think the bronze serpent in Numbers 21 symbolizes in the context of Jesus’ crucifixion?
  6. How does understanding the connection between the Old Testament stories and Jesus’ life impact your faith?
  7. In what ways can we be more intentional about seeking God’s guidance in our daily lives?
  8. How can we support each other in our spiritual journeys and in seeking God’s wisdom?

Life Application

This week, make a conscious effort to seek God’s wisdom in your daily decisions. Spend time in prayer and reading the Bible, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you. Reflect on the areas of your life where you may be relying on your own understanding and invite God to lead you in His ways.

Key Takeaways

  1. The priestly blessing reminds us of God’s desire to dwell with His people and bless them.
  2. Seeking God’s wisdom is crucial for navigating life’s challenges and decisions.
  3. The story of the bronze serpent foreshadows Jesus’ crucifixion and the salvation He offers.
  4. Understanding the connections between Old Testament stories and Jesus’ life deepens our faith.
  5. God’s presence and guidance are available to us through prayer and the Holy Spirit.

Ending Prayer

Lord, we thank You for the insights and revelations You’ve given us today. As we go forth, help us to remember the importance of seeking Your wisdom and guidance in all that we do. May we be ever mindful of Your presence and the incredible access we have to You through Jesus. Strengthen our faith and help us to support one another in our spiritual journeys. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

Kingdom Foreshadowed Part 12 with Discussion Guide

Kingdom Foreshadowed Part 12 Discussion Guide


In today’s sermon, we delved into the book of Leviticus, often overlooked due to its complex rituals and laws. The focus was on the Day of Atonement, a significant event where the high priest would make sacrifices to atone for the sins of Israel. We explored the symbolism of the two goats used in the ritual—one sacrificed and the other sent into the wilderness, representing the removal of sin. The sermon highlighted how these ancient practices foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who fulfilled all the requirements of the law and provided a way for us to be reconciled with God.

Intro Prayer

Heavenly Father, we thank You for bringing us together today. As we gather to discuss Your Word, we ask for open hearts and minds. Help us to understand the depth of Your love and the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice. May Your Holy Spirit guide our conversation and reveal to us the truths You want us to grasp. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Ice Breaker

What is one thing you are looking forward to this week?

Key Verses

  1. Leviticus 16:2-5
  2. Hebrews 10:8-14
  3. Matthew 27:52-53


  1. What stood out to you the most from today’s sermon?
  2. Why do you think the book of Leviticus is often overlooked?
  3. How do the rituals in Leviticus point to Jesus?
  4. What is the significance of the two goats in the Day of Atonement ritual?
  5. How does understanding the Day of Atonement deepen your appreciation for Jesus’ sacrifice?
  6. In what ways can we see Jesus fulfilling the requirements of the law today?
  7. How does the concept of being ‘made perfect forever’ while ‘being made holy’ resonate with you?
  8. What practical steps can we take to live in the reality of our atonement through Jesus?

Life Application

This week, take time each day to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus and how it has made you perfect in God’s eyes. Consider ways you can live out this truth in your daily interactions and share the message of atonement with someone who may need to hear it.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Day of Atonement was a significant ritual in ancient Israel that pointed to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus.
  2. Jesus fulfills all the requirements of the law, providing a way for us to be reconciled with God.
  3. The two goats in the Day of Atonement ritual symbolize the removal of sin and the atonement for the people.
  4. Understanding the rituals in Leviticus can deepen our appreciation for Jesus’ sacrifice.
  5. We are made perfect in God’s eyes through Jesus’ sacrifice, even as we are being made holy.

Ending Prayer

Lord, we thank You for the profound truths revealed in Your Word today. As we go forth, help us to live in the reality of the atonement provided by Jesus. May we be ever grateful for His sacrifice and strive to reflect His love and grace in our lives. Bless each person here and guide us in Your ways. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

Church Encourager

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